Let's celebrate, this is my first post for 2017 and hopefully there will be more to come in upcoming months because there are several anime/manga events that have been marked in my 2017 diary.
Creator Super Fest 2017 (CSF) in Jakarta is a new event that arranged by AFA team uniting and connecting awesome creators players in creative industry. I had planned to go for this event ever since they announce CSF 2017 back in January (or February?) because as usual, I love illustrations because I cannot do illustration to save my life.
However, God was siding with me because my favorite cosplayer: Baozi & Hana was invited! And that announcement put my resolution to come to CSF 2017 absolute.
I admire most of the artists, they were awesome that I had a hard time not to buy everything in one booth. Hopefully AFA would come with CSF next year too.
Oh, before I forgot to mention that in 1st day I only took photos of Baozi and Hana. No M.G and Ying Tze (sorry! >_<).
If you are not me or Baozi & Hana, please:
edit the photos, cut/erase the logo, use the photos for any commercial
purposes, and/or uploading the photos into any kind of zip files.
you want to re-upload the photos in any kind of sites (Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Weibo, and any other social sites), please specify/credit/mention ouvertune
Baozi & Hana as Victor and Yuuri from Yuri!!! on Ice (15P)
See you on the next post: CSF 2017 2nd day!